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Vipers! Photo Trip Report
August 11, 2011

Any coaster that sports a pre-lift tunnel earns big points with me.

It's a nice, long one, too.

Clear blue skies, a bright warm sun, the shimmering Pacific a stone's throw from the peak of the lift hill... I'm telling you, San Diego is a slice of heaven.

Measured up against today's towering creations, the Dipper is nearly a kiddie coaster, but, oh, what fun. Lovely first drop, all curvy and such.

Would I prefer different trains? Sure. But these Morgan carriages were hardly unpleasant.

Millennium Flyers would be boss, though.

Here they are, making the final turn. The best pop of airtime? The last little jump into the brake run, in the front seat. Unexpected and pretty sweet!

Photoshop filters are fun to play around with.

We didn't have much time to explore the rest of the park, but there are plenty of other attractions, including this awesome copyright-infringing mirror maze. Will definitely be returning to check that out.



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